Robi, het water van de knop logo
Robi, het water van de knop logo

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Is Robi more sustainable than bottled water?Updated 10 months ago

Definitely! Robi is more sustainable than bottled water because of:

Much less packaging: by using Robi, you no longer need plastic or glass bottles. The only "packaging" Robi does still use are the Robi Capsules. But since one Capsule is good for 1,000 litres (or 600 litres for a Soft or Plus Capsule), Robi uses up to 1,000 times less material for packaging.

Transport: bottled water has a higher carbon footprint than Robi because bottled water needs to be transported: from the bottling plant to the distribution centre, from the distribution centre to the shop, and from the shop to your home. And, when a bottle is empty, transport follows once again: plastic bottles go into the blue bag and are then transported to waste disposal. Glass bottles again travel all the way back, from your home via the shop to the distribution centre and bottling plant. To get Robi Water to your home, no trucks or other means of transport are used, just the water pipeline.

Design and materials: The Robi Box and Robi Button are made of rPET, which is recycled PET, the plastic used to make disposable bottles.

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